Tin Shui Wai Hospital Newsletter
這是一本有關認知障礙症的資訊概覽,收集了新界西多個社福機構的活動,讓照顧者可以全面地得到服務資訊,從而更易得到支援。 通訊選用簡單的粗線圖像,並以顏色作地區分類,著重用表格,以資料清晰傳遞為設計的優先考慮。每期的主色也會有所轉變。 This is an overview of information about dementia. It collects activities of various social welfare organizations in the New Territories West so that caregivers can get comprehensive service information and support more easily. The newsletter uses bold outline graphics and classifies regions by color. It focuses on the use of tables, with clear data presentation as the priority of design. The color tone of each issue will also change.