Treasure Cake Studio
「我想創立一個自己的品牌。我為品牌起名Treasure ,Treasure 可以解讀成寶貴,寶藏,寶貝,珍視。我與女朋友也覺得一齊切蛋糕的時間很能夠演繹出Treasure的意思,不論是身邊的人或當刻的事,那是一個開心的時刻。當大家享受吃我做的蛋糕,我就享受他們的享受。」 Logo的設計希望表達他們的品牌故事,創造輕鬆的感覺,並分享幸福。 "I want to establish my own brand. My brand named Treasure. It means very valuable things, people would take good care of something because they value it highly. My girlfriend and me think that the moment of cutting the cake together can illustrate the meaning of treasure, whatever the matter or the people, that is a happy moment. If people enjoy the cake, I would be very satisfied. " The logo design hopes to express their brand story, create the feel of relaxing, as well as share the happiness.